On 23/4/2018, the 2018's Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Sonadezi Giang Dien took place at the Hall 3.18 Sonadezi Building.
According to the plan agreed by shareholders, on April 23, 1818, Sonadezi Giang Dien held the 2018's Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.
Organizing Board and all shareholders attending the meeting to perform the flag ceremony before the meeting
Representative of the Organizing Board reports the results of examination of conditions for conducting the meeting. The meeting was attended by 47 shareholders and authorized representatives, holding 49,535,000 shares, accounting for 99.07% of total voting shares, so the meeting of the General Meeting of Shareholders was qualified, according to the law.
After passing the composition of the Presidium, the Secretariat, the Vote Counting Unit and the General Meeting of Shareholders, the Presidium and the Board of Management discussed the contents of the reports and the proposal for approval.
After listening to presentations and reports, shareholders discuss, contribute ideas and conduct voting.
Representatives of the Board of Tolls read the vote counting results in front of the General Meeting of Shareholders
Representative of the Secretariat presented the draft Resolution and Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
Mr. Nguyen The Phong - Chairman of the meeting said closing. The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Sonadezi Corporation Giang Dien 2018 ended at 10:30 am on the same day.